Services are on Saturdays at 4 pm and Sundays at 9 am. All are welcome!
Services are on Saturdays at 4 pm and Sundays at 9 am. All are welcome!
We believe in the power of prayer and take seriously Jesus' example of constant prayer. Our prayer ministry is intended to help us grow individually and collectively in our prayer life. The Ministry team sponsors periodic prayer breakfasts, coordinates prayer vigils, and supports our prayer chains. We provide an opportunity to learn more about prayer and the life of prayer. We learn about different types, styles and occasions of prayer. We encourage each person to grow in prayer and to develop a disciplined prayer life.
Our prayer chains receive and act upon requests for prayer, both public and confidential prayers. Each group and ministry at St. Paul is reminded to include prayer as part of every meeting agenda.
Our pastoral staff team members participate in public events as a witness to our belief in the power and efficacy of prayer. We are also quick to pray with individuals who express particular needs.
At St. Paul Lutheran Church we would like to support you in your endeavor to help your child know of Jesus' love and gift of eternal life. The first three years of your child's life will be filled with many changes in his/her development. The same is true in beginning to know of a life in Christ. As a baptized child of St. Paul, he/she is listed on the Cradle Roll through age 3. At that time your child is able to enroll in our Sunday School Program.
Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. This curriculum is designed for children ages 3 and up. Children will start out in our worship service and will then be escorted downstairs by our Sunday school teachers to enjoy bible stores, crafts, and snacks. Parents can pick their kids up downstairs after worship. Sunday school runs from September through May. See our events calendar for specific dates or contact the church office for a schedule or more information.
Adult Education opportunities are offered during the week. Join us as we continue our spiritual growth and understanding of God's Word. Here we discuss topics in the areas of faith exploration, current events, self-discovery and Bible study. See our events calendar for specific dates or contact the church office for a schedule.
St. Paul's Senior Choir has a tradition that offers its church and community classic church music. It is filled with singers who love to worship through music and who demonstrate each Sunday their commitment to their God and church. Like a quilt, it is a mix of people that have different voices with unique shapes, textures, and colors. When combined, they make a beautiful, warm and comforting sound. The choir has no age barrier. There are no mandatory tryouts and the ability to carry a tune is the only requirement. The choir has one Sunday off each month and performs at the 8:00 a.m. service. They rehearse every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. at the church.
The Praise Band supports the contemporary worship service, and praise teams. They perform special music for church services and community events. Currently the band consists of musicians playing keyboard, drums, guitars, flutes and tambourines. We welcome the addition of other musicians and instruments for short or long term commitments.
Throughout the year, the American Red Cross sets up a blood drive at St. Paul.
To find when our next blood drive is scheduled and for more information on donating blood, visit the American Red Cross.
There are many ways to get involved!
Service within the Church, Community Service, Youth Groups,
& Volunteer Opportunities - Just to name a few.